Service Industry
Restaurant Owners
Links regarding food safety during coronavirus, steps to avoid infection, daily updates on operating requirements by city, state, county, guidance for paid sick leave, information about disaster assistance loans, etc.
Information and links for the CARES Act (small business loan)
Provides links regarding training and safety during Coronavirus, provides information regarding cost relief and revenue creation during outbreak, information regarding healthcare for employees, links for emergency funds for restaurant and bar employees, includes links to businesses who are currently hiring
Provides links regarding coronavirus updates from health organizations, links for several financial resources for small businesses, information about how to continue to run restaurants during COVID-19 and ways to prepare for reopening, link for a list of relief funds for food service workers
Extensive list of links regarding:
Relief funds for restaurant workers
General resources
Unemployment information
Financial assistance
Health and prevention resources
Immigrant specific concerns and resources
Updates on closures, how corona virus is impacting the restaurant industry
Information for businesses
Volunteering opportunities
National guide for financial resources for restaurants/ restaurant workers
Links specific to different states
Information on how to cut costs during coronavirus, financial assistance resources, resources for delivery services, health and safety tips, information regarding coronavirus and its impact on the restaurant industry, information on the Emergency Paid Leave Act and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.
Financial Resources For Businesses
Chicago Small Business Resiliency Fund
Applications for the Chicago Small Business Resiliency Fund
Provides small businesses and non-profits (500 employees or less) with emergency cash flow during this health crisis. Funds will be provided to eligible businesses as low-interest loans.
Federal coronavirus emergency loan information for small businesses
Explains who qualifies, how and where to apply
Information regarding the downstate small business stabilization program:
Specific to the state of Illinois, this program provides up to$25,000 for small businesses (50 employees or less)