General Resources
National Association of Manufacturers – COVID 19
National Association of Manufacturers provided links for the following: Information regarding a request to the federal government for a “Manufacturing Resiliency Fund” which includes a $1.4 trillion loan to provide money to manufacturers and small businesses
Resources by state
Information about the federal government’s response to COVID-19 and from the CDC
Updates and resources from the IRS
Link for disaster loan assistance for small businesses
Employee health and safety information
Other information for pandemic planning
Custom and border protection information during outbreak
Information on exporting during outbreak
Illinois Manufacturers’ Association
Information regarding the following COVID-19 topics:
Links to volunteer to help provide medical equipment during the shortage
Information from the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association, IRS, US Department of Labor, and State of Illinois about COVID-19
Links for federal resources including the US Department of Labor, US Small Business Administration, and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Several webinars about COVID-19 and its effects on small businesses and manufacturers
Information about business operations
Links for financial support
Supply chain information and how to become a critical resource supplier
Links for manufacturers and support for employees
Financial Resources for Businesses
Chicago Small Business Resiliency Fund
Applications for the Chicago Small Business Resiliency Fund
Provides small businesses and non-profits (500 employees or less) with emergency cash flow during this health crisis. Funds will be provided to eligible businesses as low-interest loans.
Federal coronavirus emergency loan information for small businesses
Explains who qualifies, how and where to apply
Information regarding the downstate small business stabilization program:
Specific to the state of Illinois, this program provides up to$25,000 for small businesses (50 employees or less)